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Wanjana Lidj Family Services

A program that provides up to 12 months of support for families who may or may not have Child Protection involvement, and who are seeking support around addressing identified issues, and building parenting skills and capacity. Families can self refer to this program to gain support to address issues and prevent Child Protection involvement.

  • What can your service help with?
    Integrated Family Services (Early Years 0-2) The IFS—Early Years program aims to work with mothers of children 0 – 2, where there are risk factors present, notably family violence, mental health issues and substance abuse concerns. The IFS—Early Years Worker will respond to Aboriginal families in providing practical support and early intervention services, with a focus on babies at risk to keep them safe, and remain within the family unit and out of Child Protection services. Intensive Family Services (Intensive 200 Hour Service) The Wanjana Lidj Intensive Family Services response will be provided to families where Aboriginal children are subject to a Family Preservation or a Family Reunification order. The Intensive Family Services response can also be provided where a Protection Application by emergency care has been issued and the child/children are subject to an interim accommodation order (IAO). The Wanjana Lidj Intensive Family Services work intensively with families and in partnership with Child Protection and other relevant services, to achieve family action goals by promoting child safety and development, increasing parenting capacity, and family function, and work towards the ultimate goal of keeping children safe, families together, and preventing further Child Protection involvement. FAMILY PRESERVATION PROGRAM This program provides families with intensive support over a period of up to 3 months and works with families to address identified issues to prevent children being removed from home into out of home care. This program accepts self, community, and agency referrals. FAMILY RESTORATION PROGRAM Family Restoration is an intensive in-house Program where families will stay out at Restoration house for up to 3 weeks, receiving hands-on support while workers conduct observations on the families ability to provide safe and appropriate care for the children. Following a successful stay in the Restoration house, families are also eligible to a further 9 weeks of support to maintain any progress made and ensure the family continues to work towards identified goals. YAAIL LUNG DARDEE STRONGER FAMILIES Wanjana Lidj Yaail Lung Dardee Stronger Families is a long term (up to 12 months) support and intervention program which aims to increase the safety, development, and wellbeing of children by supporting families to improve their parenting skills and address issues impacting on the families functioning. The Program supports Aboriginal families to remain together and prevent Aboriginal children entering the out of home care system. If the children are already in out of home care, Wanjana Lidj will provide intensive support to families to work toward the children being able to return safely to the families care. PARENTING PROGRAM The Parenting Program is a voluntary program providing support and guidance in a culturally safe environment to help address community needs for education, health and parenting skills. ABORIGINAL FAMILY LED DECISION MAKING Aboriginal Family Decision Led Making (AFLDM) is a meeting involving the family, child/young person, Indigenous elders, respected community members and agency staff with the aim of keeping Aboriginal children in out of home care connected to their Culture, Families, and to improve culturally appropriate kinship placement options for Koori children.
  • What do your clients need to do to use your services?
    Contact the service provider to find out how to get involved.
  • What charges can your clients expect to pay?
    Free service.
  • Consultation mode
    Face to face
  • Billing options

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