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Djillay Lidj Latrobe Playgroup

An initiative of the Victorian Department of Education and Training, the Best Start program supports families, caregivers and communities to provide the best possible environment, experiences and care for young children in the important years from pregnancy to school.
Best Start aims to give every child the best start in life by bringing local services together to work collaboratively to address challenges faced by families and communities and assist them in supporting parents and caregivers to improve the health, development, learning and wellbeing of all Victorian children (0-8 years).
Aboriginal Best Start are in place to ensure that local Aboriginal communities and organisations are given every possible opportunity to support positive outcomes for their children and families collaboratively, while promoting a strong emphasis on prevention and early intervention,.
Based on formal partnerships of local agencies and service providers to improve the outcomes for children at a localised, targeted level to find solutions to problems faced by families in our area. This approach has been shown to be extremely effective with efforts being focused on boosting children’s participation in the programs we know have the best results for setting them up for success, such as kindergarten and maternal and child health (MCH) services. The program also puts in place prevention strategies, such as providing referral pathways when targeted supports are required.

  • What can your service help with?
    The Djillay Lidj Latrobe Playgroup has been operating for nine years and plays an important role in the community by bringing parents and their children together each week in a structured and controlled environment that provides the opportunity to socialise and interact in a safe space. The playgroup provides an excellent facility for the sessions with an average of 10-15 children and parents attending each week.
  • What do your clients need to do to use your services?
    Contact the service provider to find out how to get involved.
  • What charges can your clients expect to pay?
    Free service.
  • Consultation mode
    Face to face
  • Billing options

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